Under the chairmanship of Professor Pierre COLLINET, this congress will propose a program combining the fundamentals of surgery with the most striking innovations.
Pr. Nicolas Reyns will present our latest breakthroughs in the glioblastoma treatment.
The first patient with Paget's disease has been treated by the PAGETEX clinical protocol.
Matthieu DURAND, Urologist, defended his thesis entitled "EX VIVO 7 TESLA EXPERIMENTAL IMAGING OF LOCALIZED CANCER OF THE PROSTATE" on July 9, 2019.
The thesis project "Development of a light emitting fabric for the treatment of peritoneal carcinomatosis of ovarian origin by intracavitary photodynamic therapy" received the favorable opinion of [...]
Martha Baydoun, a postdoctoral fellow, has been selected by the call for projects Mobility to develop this research.
OncoThAI will attend the 18th Congress of the European Society for Photodynamic Therapy in Brussels, France On March 8th and 9th 2019.
The thesis project "Design of a light emitting fabric dedicated to intracavitary photodynamic therapy" received a favorable opinion from the ANRT for CIFRE funding.