
Elise THECUA, (INSERM U1189 ONCO-THAI, Lille, France), has won the Award (1st place) for best poster entitled : "New device based on light emitting fabric for Photodynamic Treatment of Actinic [...]

Treating cancer is a real challenge, but new weapons appear.

First patient treated during the phase II clinical trial for assessing the non-inferiority of the PHOS-ISTOS device compared to the classical photodynamic therapy (PDT) for the [...]

The French National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products (ANSM) has officially authorized the start of the phase II clinical trial for assessing the non-inferiority of [...]

Claire VICENTINI, PhD student in INSERM 1189 (ONCO-THAI), has received the first prize of the Bioderma Foundation for her work entitled: Evaluation of the dose delivered during the treatment of [...]

The French Physics Society and the French Optics Society published on the occasion of the International Year of Light a light brochure and its applications Find more informations on the [...]

A video of the company Steba Biotech concerning the focal treatment against prostate cancer can be downloaded here

The article was published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine under the special issue "The past, present and future of photodynamic therapy for cancer".