An Efficient Photodynamic Therapy Treatment for Human Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma

The article was published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine under the special issue "The past, present and future of photodynamic therapy for cancer".

OncoThAI and the photodynamic therapy inside the University hospital of Lille

OncoThai honored in the 2017 retrospective from University hospital of Lille.

17th Annual Congress of the European Society for Photodynamic Therapy

OncoThAI will attend the 17th Congress of the European Society for Photodynamic Therapy in Nice, France On March 16th and 17th 2018.

Special issue of the Lasers in Surgery and Medicine journal

This special issue dedicated to the photodynamic therapy presents 3 studies led by the OncoThAI laboratory.

Enrollment phase of INDYGO is now successfully achieved

After the inclusion of 10 patients, the first step of the INDYGO study is now completed, enabling the analysis of data collected during the trial

Rare diseases foundation and OncoThAI

OncoThAI and the Photodynamic Therapy Awarded by the french Rare Diseases foundation and SATT Nord

Photodynamic Therapy and OncoThAI illustrated in Nature journal

The INDYGO clinical trial by OncoThAI described in the last issue of the Nature Journal

Translationnelles of the Cancéropole Nord-Ouest: First prize for the PDT

On November 8th and 9th, 2018, the Cancéropole Nord-Ouest organized the second edition of the "Translationnelles" days: "Ovarian cancer - from biology to clinic" in Caen, France.

Authorizations for the PAGETEX clinical trial

 The French regulatory agencies (ANSM and CPP) authorize our clinical trial on the photodynamic treatment of the Paget's disease.

End of the evaluation of the PHOSISTOS® project

Evaluation of the PHOS-ISTOS® project completed, with a very favorable opinion from the European Commission

Myrian® Studio Challenge 2018

Third place for OncoThAI

A new thesis in progress

The thesis project "Design of a light emitting fabric dedicated to intracavitary photodynamic therapy" received a favorable opinion from the ANRT for CIFRE funding.

18th Annual Congress of the European Society for Photodynamic Therapy

OncoThAI will attend the 18th Congress of the European Society for Photodynamic Therapy in Brussels, France On March 8th and 9th 2019.

The Cancéropole Nord-Ouest supports the project "Photodynamic immunotherapy on tumor organoids for ovarian epithelial cancers"

Martha Baydoun, a postdoctoral fellow, has been selected by the call for projects Mobility to develop this research.

OncoThAI obtains a grant from the University of Lille and the Region Hauts de France to support a PhD thesis on the development of a medical device for ovarian cancer treatment

The thesis project "Development of a light emitting fabric for the treatment of peritoneal carcinomatosis of ovarian origin by intracavitary photodynamic therapy" received the favorable opinion of [...]

Start of the PAGETEX clinical trial

The first patient with Paget's disease has been treated by the PAGETEX clinical protocol.

Second annual fluorescence-guided surgery brain tumor symposium

Pr. Nicolas Reyns will present our latest breakthroughs in the glioblastoma treatment.

15th Daniel Dargent Days of Gynecological, Oncological and Breast Surgery

Under the chairmanship of Professor Pierre COLLINET, this congress will propose a program combining the fundamentals of surgery with the most striking innovations.

Award ceremony for the best oral presentation and best poster

 Congratulations to Ludivine LARUE, Isabelle TOUBIA and Mathilde CHAMPEAU for their brilliant presentations of their research work.

Light emitting fabrics in dermatology

Prof. Mortier presented this technology on Europe 1 radio

Two articles published in the French journal médecine/sciences

The revolution of immuno-oncology therapy: review of immune checkpoint inhibitors efficacy & specificities for the physicians

A facile fabrication of dissolving microneedles containing 5-aminolevulinic acid

The article entitled "A facile fabrication of dissolving microneedles containing 5-aminolevulinic acid" By Mathilde CHAMPEAU and al is now online. This project is performed thanks to a collaboration [...]

Publication of French standard NF G20-030: Luminous textiles - Determination of the irradiance and luminance of luminous fabrics

 French standard NF G20-030: Luminous textiles - Determination of the irradiance and luminance of luminous fabrics has just been published. OncoThAI, in particular, Elise THECUA, participated in [...]

Defense of Laurine Nieuwjaer Ziane thesis - September 26, 2023

Laurine Ziane defended her PhD thesis entitled « Develepment of a light emitting device for the treatment of ovarian peritoneal carcinomatosis by intracavitary photodynamic therapy »
